Hi there, this is Jim N. I will be taking over this FAQ/rulesheet because there are things missing in this rulesheet that needs mentioned. If you want to e-mail, e-mail at haroldr@hotmail.com Steve Lane did a great job of writing this.. I'll leave most of the stuff here for nostalgic purposes/originality. However, some sections will be revamped because some stuff is either outdated, invalid or needs work. BTW..his e-mail address is invalid.
Version: 1.1 (980305)/ (970405)
Based on ?? ROMs.
You may do whatever you want with this, just leave the name where it is. Give proper credit if you take something here © 1997-1998.
What's New
Note: Below at the very end of the rulesheet/FAQ is Trivia with Questions/Answers. If you don't want to see it, please DO NOT look at the bottom of this rulesheet (if you don't want to be spoiled). This is just there for you (benefit) and who desperately needs it (i.e. don't have access to this machine nearby).
NBA Fastbreak is the latest release from WMS and the George Gomez design team. I love Gomez's previous games, Corvette and Johnny Mnemonic, and was eagerly awaiting his next game. I'm a trifle disappointed in NBA Fastbreak, but then again I like his former games more than the r.g.p consensus.
It's still an outstanding game. It's "different" in several ways. The scoring is like the Real NBA, meaning that 300 points is a terrific score. The scoring is balanced, and completely linear. That in itself is a major difference.
Gameplay can be very slow (stop-and-go) due to the top saucers. This turned me off at first but I've gotten used to it.
Having 29 high scores (1 for each NBA team) is neat.
NBA FB is probably a "novice" game, because the shots are all very easy, and it's a lot easier to do something that lets you enter your initials. It should still be fun for wizards, if you don't mind "working" at a game (meaning dealing with slow play and very few "pressure" shots). Extra Balls are easy; it's not difficult to go from 3 to 5 or 6 balls.
The ideal environment for NBA FB is probably where I play it: a college bar that is filled with people at night to play with /against and to have as spectators. Also, having a lively environment substitutes for the frequent slow / "automatic" play.
NBA FB is very well made in every respect (other than possibly the bumpers, but I have only 1 machine to base my opinions on that on). It's yet another reminder of how many light years WMS is ahead of Sega in sheer quality, from mechanics to rules to sound (not dots :). It deserves to be a big winner for them.
The objective of NBA Fastbreak is to get to Trophy Multiball by completing the 6 Tasks, win a Ring, and score as many points as possible along the way. Then do it again.
Here's the playfield and what shots do in one-ball, non-mode play...
There are five major shots. They're all easy:
"Minor" shots / areas:
If the Basket is not lit for anything else, it's lit for a Free Throw and 1 point. 10 Free Throws light an Extra Ball (see below). Settings are vary and each machine is different. For my machine, it is after 3rd or 5th three throw. You can only use this method once (1) per game.
If you shoot the Basket by the Left or Center Ramp and hit the Ramp but miss the Basket, there's compensation. If the ball falls in one of the Top Saucers (it usually will), the saucer will shoot the Basket and you'll get credit for whatever you were shooting for, if it isn't exceedingly long after you made your ramp shot. You'll also get credit for the 1-2-3-4 (see In The Paint) saucer.
After firing up a game, you get to pick which of the 29 NBA teams you'll be playing for. As you cycle thru the teams you can see the current NBA Team Champion for that team. You'll hear the players from your team mentioned throughout your game.
For the "Skill Shot", Tip-Off Combo is lit. If you've already collected it, nothing special happens. The ball is dropped in the bumper area from the "plunger".
Except that there's no plunger, or normal plunger button. Instead there's a button on the lock-down bar. The Riverboat Gambler market should be happy.
Most of NBA Fastbreak gameplay involves completing the six Tasks needed to start Trophy Multiball. They are listed below in the order I typically get them.
You can start Combos in single-ball play unless a Stadium Goodies or Power Hoops mode is running.
Tip-Off is also started at the beginning of a ball (as the Skill Shot) if it has not been collected. Thus, this is the first thing you go for in a game.
My high on this mode is 18 (six 3-pointers), and I average about 15. If you're on your last ball and Pizza is lit, you should go for it, as this is a major source of points.
This mode can be worth a ton (20-30) points. I usually go for the "quick" shots (left orbit, left ramp, right ramp).
Included below is a mini-database of NBA Trivia answers if it seems useful. I've seen about 30 different questions. They're not that hard, but obviously you don't want to get one you don't know the answer to when you're working on your all-time best game!
I'm curious to see how this plays in a tournament. Will spectators shout out the answer? Or will they be barred from doing so? Or will tourney mode always offer the same order of questions?
If this is the last mode I need for Trophy MB, or if I only need Hoops modes, I'll catch the ball and let the mode time out.
After Egyptian Soda times out, the Concessions Task is completed.
During Hot Dog and Egyptian Soda, any Hoops mode that is running is postponed until the Concessions mode is completed. Also, bumpers do not advance Hoops modes. Advancing to Shoot Around MB and Around the World MB are still available, though.
When all Stadium Goodies is complete, you can still go there for 1 point (1 point added to your score).
Shoot Around MB: start by hitting all five major shots (any order) to spell S-H-O-O-T. The S-H-O-O-T letters can be collected anytime in single-ball play. If a Power Hoops or Stadium Goodies mode is running when S-H-O-O-T is completed, that mode is postponed until Shoot Around is completed.
Shoot Around is a 2-ball MB. The important thing to do here is to spell S-H-O-O-T again (the letters are flashing until collected) to light Extra Ball. Also, any flashing shot is worth 2 points. Once S-H-O-O-T is completed the letters are reset (to flashing).
This mode can be another big point-getter.
I don't think you can get the Shoot Around EB more than once.
Around The World Multiball: the four saucers at the top of the playfield are numbered 1 thru 4. When one of the four are collected, a lamp on a player above the saucer is lit. Collect all four to start Around The World MB.
There are two ways to light the saucers:
Hitting the Orbit/Lane when In The Paint is lit starts In The Paint Mode. The ball should land in one of the four saucers (if it dribbles out first, you're out of luck). A plastic guard starts moving toward your saucer, trying to block your shot. Avoid the guard by passing among the saucers with the flippers. When you're free, shoot the Basket with the Basket button.
You shouldn't ever get blocked by the guard if you know what you're doing. Unfortunately, sometimes the shot from the saucer to the Basket will miss, and In The Paint is over.
At times, you will be prompted to hit the "Shoot" button for a "Foul Shot." This counts as a Free Throw (1 pt.) If you don't do this you won't get the point.
Once 1-4 is completed, Around The World MB starts. It's a 3-ball where one of the five major shots is flashing for 1 times the # of balls in play. Basket compensation is active, and you'll use it (likely w/o knowing it). The flashing shot is the Left Orbit first, and moves right each time points are collected.
There's not much reason to go for the flashing shots; the points per effort just isn't worth it. Instead, shoot Free Throws in this MB and advance toward the Free Throw Extra Ball.
Anyway, here's the rules... bumper hits during non-mode, single-ball play (I'm fairly sure that's it) advance the Power Hoops bumper count. On my machine, the four modes are started at 11, 22, 33, and 44 hits. If your machine gives you at least 3 hits per Right Lane shot, and balls coming out of the Basket give you a couple of hits, you're OK. But if you're getting 0 or 1 hit per Right Lane shot, and 0 coming out of the basket, you're looking at trouble. Settings are vary for Power Hoops for each mode. For others, it will start at 9, then 18, etc.
It does seem that Fastbreak has some compensation for this. Unfortunately it doesn't seem to do nearly enough. Over two weeks on my machine, the required bumper count has lowered from 13 to 11 hits per mode.
Crazy Bob awards, In The Paint, Shoot Around and Around The World MBs, and Free Throws are all available during Power Hoops modes. If a new mode is started, the Power Hoops mode is postponed and picks up after the new mode is finished. Combos are not available during Power Hoops modes.
There are three single-ball Power Hoops modes. They last for about 20 seconds. In all three, one shot is lit for 3 points. They are:
Also, the bumpers give you 1 or 2 Power Points every five or six bumper hits. Power Points are also available during single-ball, non-mode play (but you get more of them during a Power Hoops mode, I think). I'm not clear on Power Points or how they may affect strategy.
The fourth Power Hoops mode is Multiball Hoops. It's a two-ball mode, and the Left and Center ramps are alternately lit for 3 points. I don't think Power Points are available during Multiball Hoops for some reason.
When all 6 tasks are completed, Trophy Multiball automatically starts (if you lose the ball before it starts, and yes this is possible, it'll start on your next ball).
You have unlimited balls for about 20 seconds. The Center Ramp is lit for 2 points. Your goal is to outscore the "other team". It seems like 6 or 7 shots are necessary to do this (the first time, anyway). I don't know if the # of required shots depends on anything you're doing.
If you win, you get a Ring, and become the current M.V.P. You don't get any extra points for winning, just the points you scored during the mode. Then all Tasks (except 20 points) are cleared and you get to do it again. Look out for the ball, as it autoplunges (I don't like this. You should get a break after a wizard mode... ).
There's several Extra Balls in NBA Fastbreak. Thankfully, none are random! Nice job on this, WMS. EBs are lit at the left saucer. There's no limit to stacked lit EBs or awarded EBs.
Here's how you can light an EB:
Bonus: there is none. So don't be afraid to tilt when losing your ball ;).
You *can* score 0 points on a ball. Trivia: what's the last WMS game on which you could do this?
NBA MIA: Jordan, Barkley, Shaq. More?
Matt Geiger is da absolut best player in the NBA.
I'll fill this out more in the next version. There just aren't too many real strategy decisions in NBA FB. Make sure you get Pizza / Hot Dog / Trivia before ending the game, as that's where the big points are. You do have to decide whether to play the Power Hoops modes or not; they're potentially worth a lot of points, but you don't have to play them to advance to Trophy MB, just start them. Be sure to get your Free Throw EB. Around The World is not worth enough to go for it (more than once) over getting to Trophy. Same for getting Combos more than once. Learn which shots lead to the most bumper hits. Decide when Inbound Pass is worth relighting (for me, rarely).
There's no typical high score table for NBA Fastbreak. Instead, Beating the current best score for your team makes you an NBA Team Champion and you get to enter your initials. I wonder if anything happens if you are the Champion for all 29 teams...
There is a Grand Champion for the all-time best score. On my machine, getting GC is the only way to get a replay (other than matching). I hear this is default behaviour for pre-production ROMs but may change.
When comparing scores, Rings always beats Points. Thus, 150 and 1 Ring beats 200 and no Rings.
Winning a Ring makes you M.V.P.
The boys @ WMS have picked their favorite teams for the default Team Champion scores. These are:
<BRAG>My high score is 2 Rings, 294. I currently am Team Champion for 24 of the 29 teams :). Today I played a four-player game and won a Ring for three of them.</BRAG>
I have not played a competitive game of NBA Fastbreak. I suspect that it would make an excellent competitive game, but that's just a hunch. The big decision would be whether to count rings over points.
It appears that NBA will be the tourney game @ WWPF. There have been talk of some odd way to physically connect machines to compare scores, and maybe this will be tested there. The idea doesn't overwhelm me.
Currently, tourney mode does nothing.
Rules for competitive Play (2 machines liked together) (general only, non-tourney)
You can still do the traditional 4 player 1 machine method as well.
I haven't been able to find many, and even these are questionable...
In a multiplayer game, if >1 player gets a ring, the last player to do it gets M.V.P., rather than the one with the higher score.
Yeah, I should know by heart what all of the above do at WMS, but I don't.
More info is wanted for...
Thanks to Poor Richard's, Johnson City, TN, for providing the local NBA Fastbreak. For my own records, it's SN 53353-100213, startup info <0.1 ROM 92639>.
Thanks to WMS for yet another great game!
Thanks to Scott Piehler (rosco29@mindspring.com) for helping out.
Steve Lane
If you don't want to look at the Q and A for trivia section, leave right now. Go find out yourself or look and the Williams site for info.
Let's Go!
Thanks to Scott Piehler (rosco29@mindspring.com) for distributing these.
Editor's Notes