The main object of Earthshaker is to complete all of the zones for the current building, which leads to Multiball play and the Jackpot score. Each building starts with a number of "predictions" for the next quake. Each prediction corresponds to one of nine zones located on the playfield.
Upon completing all of the predicted zones, the first-ball may be locked by hitting the ball into the shelter (unless disabled by the operator) or by hitting the ball up the fault.
Once the first ball is locked, the Earthquake Institute predicts zones for the second quake. Upon completing the zones, the second ball is locked by hitting the ball up the fault. With two balls locked, the player shoots a third ball into play to begin a 3-ball Multiball.
For the first round, the zone visits can be in any order (all zones are lit from the beginning). For the second round, the zone visits must be row-by-row, but may be in any order within each row (zones 4, 5, and 6 will only be lit after zones 1, 2, and 3 are completed). After the second round, each of the zone visits must be in numerical order.
As the game progresses, more zones are "predicted" for each quake, and enabling each lock for Multiball becomes harder to achieve. Eventually all nine zones must be completed in numerical order to complete the building.
The Aftershock is an additional two-ball Multiball that is awarded if the
ball enters the shelter within 15 seconds after the end of normal Multiball.
During the Aftershock, the Jackpot may be enabled and claimed in the same
manner as for Multiball (see MULTIBALL).
The billboard is another term for the three drop targets.
A bonus is awarded at the end of each ball as follows:
(1K * total miles * bonus multiplier) + (20K * total fault trips)
For example, if 24 miles and 5 fault trips have been accumulated at the end of the first ball, and the bonus multiplier is at 3X, then the bonus would be 72K for the miles and 100K for the fault trips. Both the miles and fault trips are cumulative throughout the game.
After a building is completed, the bonus multiplier is advanced to the
next level. This is used to calculate the bonus at the end of each ball
(see BONUS). The bonus multiplier is cumulative throughout the game.
The current value is indicated by the lights just above the flippers. The "2X" and "3X" (in white) are awarded in the first round of Multiball, the "4X" and "5X" (in yellow) are awarded in the second round of Multiball, and the "6X + LIGHT EXTRA BALL" and "6X + LIGHT SPECIAL" (in red) are awarded in the third round of Multiball.
The building, or Earthquake Institute, is located in the upper left region
of the playfield. It signals to the player the zones that still need to be
completed before the lock for Multiball will be enabled.
The Captive Ball, zone 9, is located on the right side of the playfield
between the stand-up targets. Hitting the Captive Ball awards the current
point value (indicated by the five lights in front of the right slingshot)
and usually spots the lowest zone that is not yet completed. Spotting a zone
may, however, be disabled by the operator.
The point value starts at 25K. Each center ramp shot increases the value for a timed period to 50K, 100K, 150K, or 250K. The timer can range from three to 20 seconds, but is usually set to about seven seconds. After each timed period expires, the point value falls to the next lowest level. If the 250K shot is hit, Quick Multiball is enabled and the point value returns to 25K.
If the ball enters the shelter, the non-timed minimum point value is increased to 50K or 100K. If the shelter is entered twice, for example, the point value of the Captive Ball will not fall below 100K until the next ball or the 250K shot is hit. This means that only two successive center ramp shots are needed to light the 250K shot.
Each center ramp shot awards 1 or 2 miles depending on if the shot is made
before the "2 miles" timer expires. This timer is activated when the ball
passes through the left return lane, and it normally lasts for about five
seconds. The operator may set this to anywhere between 1 and 20 seconds or
disable it completely.
The initial point value at the start of each ball is 25K, jumping next to 50K, and then increasing by 10K for each shot up to a maximum of 100K. If the first shot is made before the 50K timer expires, then the scoring starts at 50K. After 99 miles, each center ramp shot is worth 200K.
The center ramp is also used to increment the point value of the Captive Ball, and to enable the Jackpot during Multiball.
The three drop targets are located near the bumpers at the base of the
building. Hitting all three targets awards the current point value,
resets the targets, and increments the value of the Jackpot.
The initial value at the start of each ball is 50K, and increments by 10K (up to 100K) each time the targets are reset. The "BILLBOARD VALUE 100K" Match-up award sets the point value to the 100K limit.
The Earthquake Institute is the name of the building (see BUILDING).
The eject hole, zone 5, is located near the upper left flipper directly to
the right of the stand-up target. The ball is ejected to the left, which
brings the ball down past the upper left flipper. If enabled, the eject
hole will will lock the ball for Quick Multiball, which allows the player to
put a second ball into play.
Miles stop accumulating after 99 miles. At this point, each shot up the
center ramp will award 200K points. The "light 2 miles" switch loses its
meaning. There is not an equivalent bonus for making additional fault trips
beyond the upper limit of 69.
The following will light the extra ball award, which is claimed when the
ball enters the shelter:
The following will immediately award an extra ball:
The following are additional ways to receive an extra ball if set by the operator, but are not common:
The operator may also set the maximum number of extra balls, ranging from one to nine, that can be awarded to a single player.
The fault is the ramp on the right side of the machine that places the ball
in the upper left corner of the machine. This is the most important shot
of the game. Making a "fault trip" awards three miles, spots the lowest
uncompleted zone, and locks the ball for Multiball if the building is
completed. During Multiball, a trip to the fault awards the Jackpot value
after it has been enabled (see JACKPOT).
The ball will be ejected up the habitrail and directed towards the center ramp, which will bring the ball back to the lower left flipper. If the first ball is being locked for Multiball, however, the California/Nevada state maps will separate and the ball will be directed to the shelter.
Each trip to the fault adds a 20K bonus at the end of each ball (see BONUS). Making a fault trip during Multiball will award 250K points if the Jackpot is not yet enabled or if it has already been claimed. During Multiball the ball will be directed towards the shelter rather than to the center ramp.
The Jackpot value is indicated by the lights on the backglass, which is
incremented when the drop targets reset (this includes the start of a ball).
The possible values are 500K + SPECIAL, 1M, 1.25M, 1.5M, 1.5M + EXTRA BALL,
2M, and 2.5M.
During Multiball (except for Quick Multiball), the player must first make the center ramp shot to enable the Jackpot. The Jackpot is then claimed by making a fault trip.
If the Jackpot is not claimed by the end of Multiball, the player has a timed period to hit the ball into the shelter for an additional two ball Multiball. During this "aftershock", the Jackpot may be enabled and claimed in the same manner.
The lighting of the Jet Bumpers is advanced by hitting the ball around
the loop. The "Jet Bumpers On" Match-up award will set the lighting to
the maximum setting. The stages of the Jet Bumper lighting are as follows:
The initial Jet Bumper lighting at the beginning of each ball may be set to any of the above stages. The factory setting is stage two (red bumper lit).
The loop is located at the top of the playfield. It is typically hit from
the upper left flipper (sending the ball just to the left of the fault trip)
or from the right flipper (sending the ball past the upper left flipper)
The loop completes zone 6 and advances the lighting of the Jet Bumpers.
A Match-up sequence is started by hitting the ball into the shelter, which
will award one of 10 possible Match-up values. These values appear in the
upper and lower display panels. When both panels display the same value,
a Match-up occurs and the displayed value is awarded. The 10 values are:
The more valuable awards (complete building, light special, and extra ball) are awarded much less frequently than the others. The Match-up will not award a value that is already completed. The "Zone Completed" value will not be awarded, for example, if the building is already completed.
After a Match-up sequence is completed, the ball returns through a habitrail into the right return lane. The Match-up sequence is shortened if a ball is locked for Multiball, since the locked ball must be ejected before the ball that just entered the shelter comes and replaces it.
The Match-up is not awarded during any Multiball, when locking the first ball for Multiball, or when locking the ball for the Aftershock.
Miles are awarded for the following:
The current number of miles is indicated by the lights on the left side of playfield. The numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 20, and 30 will be lit so that the total of the numbers lit will equal the number of accumulated miles. All of the lights will be lit after 75 miles, at which point the actual number of miles accumulated can only be determined by looking at the backglass display.
At the maximum of 99 miles, each center ramp shot awards the "end of the road" bonus of 200K points.
The Million Shot is only enabled during Quick Multiball, and it is claimed by
making a fault trip. If the Million Shot is made after the first ball has
been locked in the shelter, then the normal 3-ball Multiball play will begin
The third Million Shot of a game will award an extra ball.
After two balls have been locked, the player begins Multiball by shooting the
third ball into play. After enabling the Jackpot by making a center ramp shot,
it is claimed by making a fault trip.
If one of the balls enters the shelter during 3-ball Multiball, it will be held until one of the remaining two balls is lost. The shelter will not hold the ball, however, once the Jackpot has been awarded.
After both balls are lost, the player has 15 seconds to hit the ball into the shelter for an additional two-ball Multiball called the Aftershock.
Each trip to the fault during Multiball before the Jackpot is enabled or after it has been claimed awards 250K points.
Quick Multiball is enabled as a Match-up award or by hitting the Captive
Ball when the point value is 250K. When enabled, hitting the ball into
the eject hole (zone 5) will lock the ball for a two-ball Multiball.
During Quick Multiball the Million Shot is enabled (see MILLION SHOT). When putting the second ball into play, the locked ball will pop out past the upper left flipper for an immediate attempt at the Million Shot.
The Jackpot is not enabled during Quick Multiball.
The scenic drive is another term for the center ramp.
The shelter is located just to the right of the center ramp. If the lock
is enabled (indicated by a flashing green light), the first ball will be
locked for Multiball. The factory setting always allows the first ball to
be locked via the shelter, but the operator may change this so that both
balls must be locked by making a fault trip. Another setting allows the
first ball to be locked via the shelter only on the first round.
If the lock is not enabled, or the first ball is already locked, the shelter will award a Match-up (see MATCH-UP). An extra ball will also be awarded when enabled (see EXTRA BALL).
After two of the three balls have drained during Multiball the player has 15 seconds to "head for the shelter", which will awards an additional two-ball Multiball (see AFTERSHOCK).
When putting a ball into play, the ball enters a spiral located in the upper
left corner of the playfield. The spiral contains exits for 10K, 25K, 50K,
and 100K points. A strong shot from the plunger causes an "overpass", which
awards 25K points and 1 mile. The overpass directs the ball to the lower left
flipper which allows the player a shot at the center ramp before the 50K timer
A special award is lit, and remains lit until claimed, by completing the
building for the sixth time. If one special is enabled, it will switch
between the left and right outlanes when the ball hits a bumper or slingshot.
A second special award is lit, and remains lit until claimed, by accumulating a certain number of miles. The operator may set this to anywhere between 50 and 99 miles or disable it completely. Normally the special will be lit at about 75 miles.
A special award may also be lit as a Match-up award, but this is extremely rare. This special award, however, will be disabled at the end of the current ball.
The special award is claimed when a ball passes through an outlane when the special is lit. Normally this awards a free game, but the operator may set this to award points or an extra ball instead.
The spinner is located above the bumpers at the entrance to the loop. It
awards 1,000 points for each full revolution (or 3,000 when lit). The
spinner is lit when the ball passes through the right return lane, and stays
lit for about ten seconds (may by set to anywhere between one and 20 seconds).
The playfield contains nine "zones" as follows:
For the first round, the zone visits can be in any order (all zones are lit from the beginning). For the second round, the zone visits must be row-by-row, but may be in any order within each row (zones 4, 5, and 6 will only be lit after zones 1, 2, and 3 are completed). After the second round, each of the zone visits must be in numerical order.
As the game progresses, the number of zones that need to be completed for each building increases, making Multiball harder to achieve.
The following voices are heard during the game (M = male, F = female):
The following summarizes the scoring in Earthshaker. For a more descriptive explanation of certain items, such as the scoring for the center ramp, see the entry in the glossary.
Editor's Notes