Sega 1995 by Scott R. Tiesma
Version: gamma... still needs much work.
Date: July 26, 1995
Send all corrections and updates to me.


Batman Forever (the Pinball Machine) is most likely copyrighted and/or trademarked by Sega, DC Comics, and/or Warner Brothers.

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These rules and comments were based on A0.50 roms initially. Now they are based on A2.00 roms.

BF seems to be a very well rounded game and is exciting to play. Ball movement is fast, but not uncontrollable. There are lots of shots, none of which are impossible to make, but some that are rather hard. Furthermore, the shots smoothly blend into one another. Overall, I think this game is one of the better Sega's (Data East's) to come out in a while.

The replay reflex isn't too bad (200 Million, until it reflexes by a Billion! I'm serious... after many replays (or getting the GC) it seemed to increment by 1 Billion on me!)

The graphics are excellent and the soundtrack is fabulous.

The only problem I've had with the game is that it was hard to know what to aim for in modes because the DMD is the only thing which tells you what to do (and I tended to be too busy to read the DMD while playing). Granted, things flash, but the playfield is so busy it is sometimes hard to know what to shoot for (this will especially be so when the lights burn out!).

Furthermore, as in most recent Sega's the Extra Ball Buy-in must be enabled. This is done by pressing the league play button after starting a game.

Lastly, deathsaves are pretty easy. I can regularly do them with just my forearm strength. Yes, I do tilt often... but they are not hard to do. In fact, this is probably the easiest machine to death save on that I've ever encountered. (Just don't do it when you have 20X Bonus! - Tilt that is)

Prototype Irregularities

The autoplunger is in the shape of a gun handle. On this prototype it is a JP handle. It even has the "JP" written on the handle! Because of this, there is an extra button on the handle (Smart Bomb from JP) which isn't utilized and won't be on the final product.

Since my last writing, Sega must have sent the real handle to this arcade as it is now on the machine. Very slick looking. However, it seems to be made of a rather weak plastic... I would assume it could break rather easily!!! (Soft, not brittle)

Also, with A0.50 roms when you cancel the buy-in the DMD displays "DC EFFECT". I'm assuming this rom is missing a graphic which would be put there. Furthermore, collecting the bat gadgets doesn't exist in A0.50 roms.

Things to Fix

First, as with many Sega/DE products (,that I've encountered anyway,) the kickback doesn't work reliably. (SEGA... LOOK AT A NEW DESIGN OR SOMETHING. PLEASE!!!)

Second, I've heard that the mode start saucer is supposed to eject the ball with enough force to send it out the right orbit entrance and past the middle flipper. On the prototype machine the ball is only ejected with enough force for it to reach the lane change area. Regardless, the flow of the game is not interrupted. Note: This was roughly fixed with A2.00 roms. Now the ball never dribbles out the left orbit entrance and half the time makes it back out the right orbit entrance (The other half it ends up in the B-A-T Lanes).

Third, occasionally the ball seems to fall out of the left habitrail (the one leading to the left flipper) just above the slingshot. This occurs both when the ball is headed toward the inlane, or the batwing. The reason it happens is because the habit trail becomes just two wires near the slingshot. Thus, any unstable movement of the ball (like if it's moving very fast) causes it to fall off! This could be fixed by adding siderails to the habit trails in that area or widening the gap between the two rails such that the pinball rests lower in the habit trail.

Fourth, (and I believe this shouldn't occur. At least I can't tell why it does occur and I've looked for mechanical parts that would cause it) sometimes a right orbit shot gets stopped about 3-5 inches up past the middle flipper. I can't figure out why... but it does.

Fifth, the software (maybe the hardware causes it) seems to lose track of the number of balls occasionally. (Normally when a ball enters the VUK and gets kicked up but not with enough force such that it lands back in the VUK.) This can result in something favorable such as an unearned multiball (without jackpots available) or something undesirable such as more than one ball in play and when one drains the bonus starts.

Sixth, occasionally the mini-ramp doesn't register a completed shot. This is quite annoying (especially when an extra ball is lit).

Playfield Layout


As per usual this starts at the bottom middle and proceeds clockwise around the game.

Two flippers in the usual location.

Left Outlane
has a kickback called "Laser Kick". Their is a great still graphic on the DMD of Robin doing a karate kick and saying "Hey, I just saved your life! You owe me one."

Left Inlane
marked as "X2" on the playfield (in paint, not a light)

Left Slingshot
another strange trapezoidal shape ala STTNG.

a gun-type thing resembling the left STTNG cannon in function, and amazingly looking like the batwing.

Bat Drop Targets
Just above the left slingshot and almost parallel to the cabinet. There are 4 of these. From the bottom one up they spell C-A-V-E.

Swooping Habit Trail
This starts just above the bat drop targets and goes toward the player, below and around the flippers, and spits the ball out towards the mini ramp. The ball is propelled by a solenoid. (Like a slanted VUK).

Left Orbit
Swoops around to the entrance to the right orbit.

The Bat Cave
a plastic decoration which has a habit trail leading into and out of it. It badly obscures much of the upper left playfield.

Left Ramp
used to feed the ball to the batwing (when armed (i.e. "enabled")) or the left flipper. Its orientation on the playfield reminds me of the left ramp on IJ.

Middle Ramp (labeled Arkham Asylum)
necessary to arm the batwing, this ramp can only be made from the 3rd flipper. It is located directly above the left ramp and positioned on the playfield similar to the middle ramp in Whirlwind.

Two-Face Targets
a pair of targets located above the middle ramp entrance facing diagonally down right. One target is Two-Face's good side, the other his bad side.

Pop Bumpers
3 of them located in the left middle upper quadrant of the playfield.

B-A-T Lanes
Located above the bumpers. Advances multiplier and relights Laser Kick (possibly more?)

Mode Start Saucer
Located in the back left corner of the cabinet it is only accessible from a right orbit shot. It should eject such that the ball falls down the right orbit or into the B-A-T lanes.

U-Turn Loop (aka Mini-Ramp)
located to the right of the bumpers this is a slight ramps (1") which then sends the ball in a U-turn around the VUK and Right ramp to the right orbit and down to the 3rd flipper. This shot is necessary to arm the batwing. Also used as a counter to light the Mr. E Award.

Locks balls, awards Mr. E (when lit), and is a bat signal shot. Sends the ball via a habit trail to the bat cave.

Right Ramp
just to the right of the VUK it returns the ball to the right flipper. This shot is necessary to arm the batwing.

Right Orbit
swoops around toward the left orbit... usually enters the B-A-T Lanes or the upper left saucer. (Only on the prototype have I ever had the ball exit via the left orbit, ie. a full loop.)

Middle Flipper (3rd)
Located along the edge of the right orbit similar in position to the 3rd flipper on STTNG.

Two-Face Targets
a pair of targets located below the middle flipper and above the right slingshot.

Right Outlane
nothing special... but has a special light.

Rightmost Right Inlane
Scores Double Batwing when lit

Leftmost Right Inlane
awards 2 batarangs when lit

Left Slingshot
the normal triangular shape.

Question Mark Targets
there are 5 of these located on the playfield. One on each side of the entrance to the Left and Right Ramps (i.e. 4) and 1 on the left side of the entrance to the U-Turn loop. These targets are used to enable modes.

Bat Signal Shots

These shots when completed will start Circus Countdown. The 7 Shots are:

It should also be noted that these shots must be completed when the batsignal is blinking for it to become lit. The first completed shot score 5 Million. Each subsequent shot scores 10, then 15, etc Million.

The batsignals remain lit from ball to ball until all have been collected.

Jackpot Shots

During Multiball the Left Ramp saves Chase and the Right Ramp saves Robin. Once completed the middle ramp is lit for Double Jackpot. Then, the batwing must be loaded (it is automatically enabled) and the ball must be shot up the mini-ramp for a Super Jackpot.

The special is lit after collecting the Double Jackpot (I believe).

Batwing Shots

The shots that are lit for targeting from the batwing are:

These shots are worth 10 Million each (unless doubled)

I haven't noticed anything special occurring upon getting all the shots from the batwing even though once a shot is completed from the batwing it doesn't show up on the DMD anymore. Hmmm?

The Cabinet

It is a widebody. The artwork is fantastic. Very realistic and keeping with the dark "batman mood".

Skill Shot

Pull the trigger and collect what is displayed on the DMD. Awards I've seen are:


To start a Gotham Scene (mode) you must either select it from the skill shot (the easiest) or hit all the Question Mark targets scattered around the playfield (to enable the mode) and then the right orbit (to start the mode).

Also, you can lock the lit scene (or unlock it) by firing the gun (plunger). This proves to be a very lucrative feature as you can lock in the Lite Extra Ball mode! (Just like in Guns 'n Roses)


A new name for the Picard Manuever from STTNG. Shoot the left orbit and then the middle ramp. There is an ego award for the most batarangs (in a row? on one ball.) i.e. you get to put in your initials. However, rarely have I seen this show during attract mode... and never during instant info.

Gotham Scenes

The Gotham Scenes are the modes for this game. They are changed via bumper hits. (Is their any other way?) However, during a mode you can't start another mode. Nor can you see what mode is lit to become next (by bumper hits). It may not even change during a mode. I haven't been able to tell yet.

The Gotham Scenes are:

Rooftop Chase
a video mode where you steer the batmobile around obstacles. (first on a rooftop), then you must steer it into points (up the side of a building) then across another roof avoiding obstacles. (kind of a strange one to steer... you'll know what I mean when you play it) >100 Million if completed. Also, the obstacles do not come randomly. Just like STTNG the paths never change. However, unlike STTNG their are no diverging paths.

Face Two-Face
Hit the lit Two-Face targets 2 times each (usually the pair on the right side of the machine, maybe always?) (though I believe any two-face target will work??? maybe the software just doesn't light the other targets?)

Crime Spree
build up a jackpot with switch closures and collect at right ramp. The jackpot can be collected multiple times while the timer is running.

yes it is actually called "???" Anyway, this is a timed mode where all one must do is hit the Question Mark targets to collect points. Any Question Mark target will do, and they can be hit repeatedly.

Safe Trap
hit all four ramps.

Lite Extra Ball

Brain Drain
Spell C-A-V-E in sequence. Very hard to do but worth it as a hurry-up extra ball can be collected at the mini-ramp.

Coin Matching

Done by hitting both good faces or bad faces in a row. Once matched the playfield light representing coin matches stays lit for the game or the software remembers that you've matched.

Awards are (Based on hits in a row):

After the second hit, the 3rd hit counts as a first hit (i.e. you can't collect both good faces and one bad face to get Hold Bonus, 10 Million, and a relit laser kick!)

Mr. E Awards

(Notice the pun ---> "mystery")

Lit by hitting the mini-ramp twice, then 3 more times, then ... (may be flexible, the DMD will tell you how many mini ramp shots till next lit). Awarded by entering the lit VUK or as a skill shot.

The possible awards are:

Bat Gadgets

When the right orbit is not lit to start a Gotham Scene a strong shot which ends up in the saucer will cause a DMD display similar to the Snack Bar in CFTBL which will award various Bat Gadgets. Once all (or is it just 4?) are collected Super Laser Kick is awarded.

Circus Coundown

Upon lighting all batsignals a countdown starts at 99 Million. Shoot the right orbit to collect.

During this mode, there is a great graphic of Two-Face and Robin. The countdown represents the bomb seen at the circus where Robin's parents died.


A four ball Multiball; shoot the left and right ramp to collect jackpots then the middle ramp for a Double jackpot (> Light Special ??). Then load the batwing (it is enabled) and shoot the mini-ramp for a Super Jackpot. (This is an extremely hard shot. I've only made it once, and that was by sheer luck. I was holding a trapped ball on my left flipper (planning on shooting that up the mini-ramp while I fired the batwing to try and trick the software) and when I fired I made my left flipper shot and I made the batwing shot!!! (Let this forevermore be known as the Tiesma maneuver??? right.. :P ))


The Wizard Award....

It is started by matching both the good and bad heads... sighting all bat signals and having completed all gotham events. After doing so, "FOREVER" is lit to be collected via the regular Mode Start routes. The beginning is a great graphic of the riddler which I didn't get to watch very long as all the balls just started spewing out. Thus, also, I was not aware if anything else was occurring (such as Mega Pops, lit special, etc).

This is a 4 ball multiball mode with a ? second ballsaver. The object is to load the batwing to collect jackpots. The problem is that the batwing is moving. Thus, you may hit the left ramp but if the batwing isn't in the right position - No jackpot. Really it's quite ingenious, and very fun! The mode ends when less than two balls are in play.


The bonus maxes out at 20X after which a score of 20 Million is added for each additional completion of the B-A-T Lanes.

At 2X bonus the Laser Kick is relit (and possibly each additional increase?)

It is tallied this way - ????

Also, there is a great graphic of Dr. Chase Meridian (Nicole Kidman) during the bonus count.

Extra Balls

Can be lit via:

When lit it is collected at the mini-ramp and Two-Face says "Live from the ???; Here's your extra ball."

Also, an extra ball can be awarded from the Mr. E award (and possibly the video mode, though I haven't seen it there).

High Scores

2.4 Billion is the default Grand Champion score. My high so far (1 Buy-in) is @ 4.91 Billion for which I received 2 Credits. Previously I had set the GC with 2.8 Billion (no buy-ins) and received 3 Credits (possibly I could have imagined this... but I don't think so)! I also scored 2.7 Billion for 3rd place and 1.8 Billion for 4th place (the high score list goes to 6) but didn't get any credits. (Maybe only 1st and 2nd get credits?)


??? Send me your favorite ???


First, their is a diverter on the habitrail leading from the left ramp to the left flipper which places the ball in the batwing. This didn't work when BF first arrived, but now does. The operator played with it, but I don't know what he did. (It wasn't opening wide enough.)


There is a ? loop or something champion displayed on the DMD occasionally but this can't be seen in instant info - WHY!

Also, it would be nice to be able to see what Bat Gadgets have been collected (or need to be collected) before getting the Super Laser Kick. This could be done via instant info also.

Easter Eggs

6 player play is allowed (league type, just as in Baywatch).

Pressing both flipper buttons simultaneously will launch the ball (if it is in the plunger lane).

No cows so far :(

Editor's Notes