World Cup


by David Gersic<>
Version 2.0 December, 1997

Notes and Disclaimers

This rule compilation and tips sheet is, to the extent possible (in light of the subject matter being the property of Williams Electronics), freeware. It can be modified, updated, or revised, provided only that credit to the original author(s) remains intact. It can be published or otherwise distributed, provided only that such distribution is effectively free.

World Cup the pinball machine is the property of Williams, and a trademark of the licensor. The author disclaims all interest in any trademarks or other intellectual property referenced herein.

Changes since version 1.0

  • Added sounds sampled from the game to the playfield description.

Playfield Layout

Described from the flippers, and going around the playfield clockwise.

There are two. Normal configuration, normal placement.
Left Kickout
Shaped like a slingshot, but without the usual slingshot kicker, there is a cup that the ball falls into, triggering a switch and a solenoid kickout. Scores 50 points, and collects the T in S-T-A-R. Hitting the rubbers on either side of the kickout
Left Outlane
A normal outlane. Scores 500 points. Can be lit for Special by the S-T-A-R rollovers.
Left Wall
An ordinary rubber stretched between posts. Scores 500 points.
Left Goal Saucer
Scores one goal when lit. Scores 500 points.
Left Super Ball Advance Lane
Shooting this lane does three things. First, it feeds the ball to the Top Arch via a rollunder. Second, it scores the lit value: 500 (unlit), 1000, 2000, 3000, or 4000 points. Third, it acts as a super ball advance, lighting Goal.
Ball Advance
A rubber between two posts. It scores 100 points, and advances the ball lights one position each time it is hit. This advance is the only one of the several ways to advance the ball lights toward lighting Goal that will wrap, unlighting Goal and starting the ball lights back at their lowest position.
S Target
Collects the S in S-T-A-R. Scores 100 points.
Top Arch
Standard arch between two rollunders, one from the plunger lane, and one from the Left Super Ball Advance Lane. There are two angled sides, each of which is a rubber with a scoring switch behind it that scores 50 points. The angled sides encourage the ball into one of three exit lanes: the S/T, Goal, and A/R lanes.
S/T Rollover
One of three possible exits from the Top Arch. This one collects the S or T letters of S-T-A-R, advances the ball lights toward lighting Goal, and scores 100 points.
Goal Rollover
Second of three possible exits from the Top Arch. When lit, scores Goal. When lit, scores Extra Ball. Scores 100 points.
A/R Rollover
Third of three possible exits from the Top Arch. This one collects the A or R letters of S-T-A-R, advances the ball lights toward lighting Goal, and scores 100 points.
Right Super Ball Advance Lane
Small lane between the Pop Bumpers and the Corner Kick Lane. Has a rollover that scores 500 points, and advances the ball lights to complete lighting Goal.
R Target
Collects the R in S-T-A-R. Scores 100 points.
Pop Bumpers
Two standard pop bumpers, staggered slightly and about two inches apart in the middle top part of the playfield, directly below the three exit lanes from the Top Arch. It is possible to shoot the ball from the left flipper, through the Spinner, between the Pop Bumpers, and into the Goal rollover to the Top Arch, collecting Goal or Extra Ball if lit, plus whatever you pick up from the Spinner. The pop bumpers are placed so that most balls coming from the Top Arch will hit them. Balls coming from the S/T Rollover generally bounce around in the area between the pop bumpers and the S Target and the Ball Advance. Balls from the A/R Rollover generally bounce around between the pop bumper, the R Target, and the Super Ball Advance Lane. Balls from the Goal Rollover can go either way or dribble down through the spinner to the flippers or drain.
Corner Kick Lane
A horseshoe curve next to the R Target leads to this lane. Like the Left Super Ball Advance Lane, it scores the lit value:: 500 (unlit), 1000, 2000, or 3000 points and acts as a super ball advance, lighting Goal. The bottom exit of this lane feeds the Right Goal Saucer.
Right Goal Saucer
Scores one goal when lit. Scores 500 points.
Right Wall
An ordinary rubber stretched between posts. Scores 500 points.
Right Kickout
Shaped like a slingshot, but without the usual slingshot kicker, there is a cup that the ball falls into, triggering a switch and a solenoid kickout. Scores 50 points, and collects the A in S-T-A-R. Hitting the rubbers on either side of the kickout scores 50 points.
Right Outlane
A normal outlane. Scores 500 points. Can be lit for Special by the S-T-A-R rollovers.
Left Ball Advance Rollovers
There are four rollover buttons in the playfield angled between the lowest one right above the flipper and the highest, just below the Left Goal Saucer. Only one is lit at a time, starting with the lowest. Rolling a ball over the lit one collects it, scores 100 points, and advances the light to the next button. Collecting the fourth one lights Goal. The Ball Advance, S/T Lane, and A/R Lane all advance these lights. Super Ball Advance, and the Left Lane and Corner Kick Lane advance the lights all the way to lighting goal. Ball Advance, if hit when Goal is lit, will "advance" to having the lowest rollover lit again.
Right Ball Advance Rollovers
Same as the Left Ball Advance Rollovers. The eight rollovers are set up as pairs, with either one of the pair counting for that position in the advance toward lighting Goal.
Manual Plunger
This is a normal plunger. Its lane leads to the top arch.
This is an ordinary spinner in the middle of the playfield, right below the Pop Bumpers. Unlit, it scores 10 points per spin; lit, it scores 100.

Note: There are no Inlanes. The flippers at the bottom edge of the Kickout cups, and it is impossible to trap a ball. Catches, especially drop catches, work, but the ball must be shot immediately, or allowed to roll back into the Kickout cup.

Bonus Multiplier

One of two keys to a high score in this game. The End-of-Ball Bonus can be multiplied 2, 3, or 5 times by advancing the bonus multiplier. Once advanced to 5x, advancing the bonus multiplier lights World Cup (Extra Ball) at the Goal Rollover. Advancing the bonus again lights Super Star (Special) at one of the two outlanes.

The Bonus Multiplier is advanced by spelling S-T-A-R. Letters in S-T-A-R can be collected in any order, but the S/T and A/R rollover lanes always collect the letters from left to right (i.e.: if S hasn't been collected, the S/T Lane will collect the S when hit).

There is a memory between balls, so collected letters will still be collected at the start of the next ball, though the Bonus Multiplier goes back down to nothing.

End-of-Ball Bonus

The bonus scored at the end of the ball is 2000 points for each goal scored, multiplied by the bonus multiplier. In a game where the highest scoring shot is 4000 points, an end of ball bonus of 18 goals at 2000 points apiece, multiplied by the 5X Bonus Multiplier is obviously a huge factor in the final score.


Spelling S-T-A-R does several things. The first time S-T-A-R is completed, the Spinner is lit, and the 2X Bonus Multiplier is collected. The second time, the 3X Bonus Multiplier is collected. The third time, the 5X Bonus Multiplier is collected. The fourth time, the Extra Ball is lit at the Goal lane to the top arch. The fifth time, Special is lit on one outlane. Between balls, there is a memory on the S-T-A-R lights. Whatever has been collected on one ball is still collected at the start of the next ball.


Tilting the game results in a loss of the current ball, and a loss of all collected Goals.

Left and Right Lanes

The Left and Right Lanes are lit by scoring Goals, alternating between advancing the lit score on each one. The first Goal scored will light the Left Super Ball Advance Lane for 1000 points. The second Goal lights the Corner Kick Lane for 1000. The third Goal lights the Left Super Ball Advance Lane for 2000. Etc. The lanes' maximum scores are 4000 (Left) and 3000 (Right).

Outlane Specials

When the Outlane Special is lit by spelling S-T-A-R five times, it will cycle between the left and right Outlanes each time one of the bumpers is hit.

Tips, Tricks, Strategies

Score early, score often.

Goals remain scored from ball to ball (except for Tilt), and count toward your End-of-Ball Bonus for each ball. Scoring the maximum number of goals (18) on the first ball enables the highest possible score. Keep the Goal lit at all times, as even when just bouncing around the ball will often fall into one of the Goal Saucers or get bounced up through the center rollover by one of the Pop Bumpers.

The Left Lane is probably the most valuable shot in the game. First, it can score up to 4000 points. Second, it lights Goal. Third, it feeds the ball to the Top Arch, where S-T-A-R and Goal can be collected.

The Corner Kick Lane is also valuable, but almost impossible to shoot for directly due to its position. Shots to the Super Ball Advance lane can be bounced off the R standup target and into the Corner Kick Lane.


Here are the options available to the Operator of the game, and what I am using for settings on mine.

Option Number Description Possible Values Comments / Meaning Factory default Current setting
01 Replay 1 0 through 99 * 10,000 points 16 (160,000) 16 (160,000)
02 Replay 2 0 through 99 * 10,000 points 28 (280,000) 28 (280,000)
03 Replay 3 0 through 99 * 10,000 points 40 (400,000) 40 (400,000)
04 Replay 4 0 through 99 * 10,000 points 00 (disabled) 00 (disabled)
05 Maximum credits 0 through 99 20 20
06 Match/Credit/ExtraBall 08 Match enabled, Credit awarded at Replay Points 08 08
09 Match enabled, Extra Ball awarded at Replay Points
12 Match disabled, Credit awarded at Replay Points
13 Match disabled, Extra Ball awarded at Replay Points
07 Play 01 Liberal Play - Third STAR lights World Cup, Fourth STAR lights Super Star 01
02 Normal Play - Fourth STAR lights World Cup, Fifth STAR lights Super Star 02
04 No Special, No Extra Ball
08 Credits awarded for high score to date 00 through 31 03 03
12 Left coin slot multiplier 00 through 31 01 01
13 Center coin slot multiplier 00 through 31 01 01
14 Right coin slot multiplier 00 through 31 01 01
15 Minimum coins for credit 00 through 31 00 00
16 Coin units bonus point 00 through 31 three credits for two coins 02 02
17 Coin units required for credit 00 through 31 01 01
18 Play Adjustment 03 S and R separate, Special awards credit, 3 balls
13 S and R together, Special awards credit, 3 balls 13
23 S and R separate, Special awards extra ball, 3 balls 23
33 S and R together, Special awards extra ball, 3 balls
43 S and R separate, Special awards 1500 points, 3 balls
53 S and R together, Special awards 1500 points, 3 balls
05 S and R separate, Special awards credit, 5 balls
15 S and R together, Special awards credit, 5 balls
25 S and R separate, Special awards extra ball, 5 balls
35 S and R together, Special awards extra ball, 5 balls
45 S and R separate, Special awards 1500 points, 5 balls
55 S and R together, Special awards 1500 points, 5 balls
19 Maximum tilts 1 through 9 01 01
20 Credits in game Used to add credits without using the coin slots 00 N/A
21 High score to date 0 through 99 10,000 points 35 N/A
22 High score to date 0 through 99 100 points 00
23 High score to date 0 through 99 1 points 00

Document written by David Gersic

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