If you see any mistakes, or want to add anything to this rules sheet, please let me know.
People who helped contribute to this sheet are listed at the end.
Star Wars Pinball...Probably copyright 1992 by Data East.. (So is TRI-BALL, I would guess.)
Music by Brian Schmidt..(Totally Cool)
Important Stuff
This section describes locations and shots on the playfield that will be referred to in the discussion.
The Rules
When the game begins, you are presented with a 'Skill Shot'. (A video game
if you ask me.) Basically, you have to hit the lever button when a Tie-
Fighter is in the sights on the display. A successful hit will score a
million plus a million per current ball number.
Successful skill shots score:
The key to this is leading the shot a little bit, so you fire the lever right before the fighter enters the sight.
The ramp on SW is almost identical to the ramp on LW3. The extra ball from
the ramp will be lit at anywhere from 3 ramps to 99 ramps, depending on
how many games have been played. You will receive 3 million for 3 ramps,
7 million for 7 ramps, then 14, 21, etc. A unique thing about the SW ramps,
is that after a certain number of consecutive shots, the force hole will
be lit, or a Force award will be awarded. Also, every shot up the ramp
spots a letter in STAR WARS.
Spelling STAR WARS will award 10 million points. You add letters by ramp
shots, or left or right orbit shots. Hitting the left inlane rollover
lights the orbit shots to award two letters (for a limited time).
Hitting the FORCE hole while the red light above the scoop is lit will
award a force award. You have to uncover 4 'mini' awards to light the
force hole for the 'super' award. The mini awards are:
The 'super' awards:
Hitting the Force hole while it is unlit will award a Dark Side shot (and the sound of Darth Vader breathing down your neck. Four Dark Side shots will award 25 million. This can be collected multiple times per ball and per game.
The Sarlacc Pit will award the current Sarlacc Pit value. This value is
increased when the ball hits the pop bumpers. (The value initially starts
at 500,000.) Hitting the left inlane rollover will light the Sarlacc Pit
for Jabbas Bounty (for a limited time.) This will give you various smaller
awards such as 1,2,3 million, advance multiplier, hold bonus, etc.
"Choose wisely, you must." Yoda is lit by getting it as a Force award, or it
will sometimes light after multiple shots up the ramp. To collect Yoda, you
must shoot it into the C3PO eye lane. After a short intro, you will be
presented with a choice of two "random" awards, selected by hitting the
left or right flipper. These awards range from Super Death Star, spelling
STARWARS, Special and 20 million. The machine I sometimes play has a VERY
bad habit of presenting a Special as one of the awards, then not awarding
when you hit the correct flipper..So be warned.
Speeder Mode is lit by collecting it as a Force award, or by hitting all 5
X-Wing targets. Collect it by hitting it up the C3PO Eye lane for 10
After collecting a Force award, you must relight it to collect another one. This
can be done by hitting the C3PO eye lane, or sometimes with multiple shots
up the ramp. You will hear "Use the force, Luke." when it is relit.
Knocking down the hyperspace drop targets three times will light the ramp
for hyperspace. Its worth 10 million. This is also how you increase your
bonus X. Initially lighting the ramp for hyperspace will advance the
multiplier to 2X. Then, up until you hit the ramp to collect the 10 million,
every time you knock the bank of drop targets down, the multiplier will
be increased up to a max of 8X. Hyperspace can be lit unlimited times in
a game (as far as I know).
After lighting both of C3PO's eyes, you will begin R2D2 runaway. This is
a countdown shot from 15 million. To collect, hit the right orbit shot. This
can be restarted multiple times during a game.
Below the Death Start, there 8 pictures of the Yaven Moon, each of various
colors. You will initially start with one moon lit. To advance to the next
moon, you must hit the Death Star. After the 8th hit, the yellow Death Star
will open. Hitting a ball into the Death Star will start multiball. Two balls
will be plunged from the auto-plunger, and one will be returned via the left
habitrail. To light the ramp for the Jackpot, you must again hit the
Death Star. After the Death Star is hit, the jackpot light will begin
flashing above the ramp. Each hit after this initial hit will add 1
million to the jackpot. (Your first jackpot starts at 10 million.) Hitting
the ramp will collect the jackpot. "Bravo!"
Now, the Death Star will once again open, this time for the Double jackpot. You have a limited number of seconds to hit a ball into the Death Star. Doing so before time runs out will reward you with a double jackpot, and some decent animation of the Death Star exploding.
"Great shot kid, that was one in a million!"
You can now start the process all over again, except this time, you will need 2 hits to the death star to light the ramp for jackpot. Repeat until 2 of 3 balls drain.
NOTE: If you drain 2 balls before collecting a jackpot, you will have about 10 seconds to get a Tri-ball restart. Simply hit the Death Star to restart. Also, if the Death Star is open for double jackpot, and you drain 2/3 balls, you will still have until your time expires to collect it.
TRI-BALL PART II (or 'How to start it a little earlier than normal') It is possible to open the Death Star before all the moons are lit. When the 5th Yaven moon is lit, push the plunger/lever DOWN and press the lever button. This will cause the Death Star to open for a limited amount of time, plus award you with 5 million points. You will have about 8 seconds to start multiball doing it this way, versus unlimited time by hitting the Death Star 7 times.
If you aren't paying attention to the moons that are lit, or if thy are burned out, simple listen for "Death Star approaching." When you hear this, you know that you can open the Death Star.
NOTE:If you open the Death Star early, and do not hit it, you start over at the first moon!
After hearing the satisfying THWACK of winning a replay, shooting either
orbit shot will award you with 25 million points. You have a limited
amount of time to do this.
If you are lucky enough to light the extra ball, collect it with a shot
to the C3PO lane.
Hitting all three drop targets within a very short time of each other will award 1 million points.
A COMBO SHOT can be collected by hitting a ramp shot, then after the ball is returned to the right flipper, hitting the left orbit shot.
Storm Trooper Shoot-Out:
Like the LW3 shootout. You must take your hands off the flippers and press
the lever button to waste the Storm Troopers. Awards 4M.
Here are some general things I have picked up playing the game....
People who helped in the writing of this rules sheet, by pointing out mistakes and suggesting new things to add:
Editor's Notes