<0> Changes from Version 1.1
<1> History and Thanks
Thanks go out to:
<2> Overview
Red and Ted, the Road Busters, are a couple of fun-loving demolition experts crossing the country on their bulldozer. They cause immense mayhem and destruction, but we love 'em anyway. Help them destroy civilization by accumulating miles to get to cities, by buying souvenirs for big prizes, and by passing the days of the week. And by giving them occasional iron supplements.
Road Show is a four-ball widebody Williams pinball game with four flippers, two talking plastic heads (Red and Ted), eighteen modes, stereo DCS sound, a shaker motor, two ramps, two loops, two plungers, two start buttons (just kidding), three bumpers, and a kajillion other assorted targets. It features both kinds of music (country AND western), and in fact has the voice, music, and likeness of Carlene Carter, a real live female country music star.
Since this is Pat Lawlor's first pin since Twilight Zone (Pat is the genius who gave us The Addams Family, FunHouse, Whirlwind, Earthshaker, and Banzai Run) some of us had been quite anxious to see his newest baby. What would he come up with next?
As it turns out, it's something of a pastiche of his earlier games. Gamers familiar to pinball will see things in the exact same place as in a previous Lawlor game. The game strikes one as evolutionary, rather than revolutionary. Still, Pat Lawlor on even a bad day is better than a drawer full of anybody else.
This is a wonderful game. The rules are quite solid, if perhaps not inspired, and the Williams support team did an excellent job with the sounds, music, and animation.
Williams took this opportunity (the debut of a new Lawlor game) to make a fundamental change. We suppose it was meant as a spoonful of sugar to help the medicine go down. Anyway, with Road Show, the end-of-game match is OFF by default. Some folks claim that it compensates by giving out 7% more Specials, but that seems specious. It's possible to enable the match, but the thinking is that most people will leave it off.
Road Show also introduces the 1/2 credit buy-in (nothing special about it, just a cheap extra ball), and the daily high-score list (which resets every night at midnight).
<3> Playfield Description
Starting at the lower-left and going clockwise, here's the layout of Road Show:
***NOTE*** Road Show uses the term "Blast Zone" ambiguously. Sometimes it means "the Blast Targets" and sometimes "the Blast Targets or the Blast/Wheel hole". The distinction between those two is important, so this rule sheet will not use the term "Blast Zone," but instead specify which targets need to be hit.
<4> General Rules and Scoring
Sometimes, the Phantom Ball Saver may activate. This has been reported to occur when the ball drains Lock -> SDTM or Red -> Left Outlane.
You can also score a Skill Shot anytime the ball rolls up the Skill Shot lane and lands in the Blast Hole. This usually happens after the ball is kicked off the left Slingshot.
In LA-5, this has changed. The Spinner value resets to 1,000 at the start of each ball. We think this bites.
Each Bridge Out advances the Bonus Multiplier from 1x to 2x, 3x, 4x, 5x, and 6x. After 6x, the next award is "Light EB," which you can collect once per game. Advancing the multiplier lights the Wheel if it isn't already lit. After the multiplier reaches its max, Bridge Out shots award 10M.
The downside to all this is that if you have the wheel lit when you advance the multiplier to its max, the Wheel will be UNlit!.
... then multiply all that by the bonus multiplier.
<5> Blasts
There are several ways of collecting a Blast. Each time you collect a Blast at the Blast Targets, you are awarded the current Blast Value, which starts at 1M and goes up by some odd amount (208,430) with each Bumper hit to a max of 10M.
The most common way to light the Blast Targets by dropping a ball into the Blast/Wheel Hole or hitting the Magic Standup. Shooting the Left Loop lights the Blast Targets for a short time. Hitting them awards 2x the Blast Value. Shooting Bridge Out on the Right Ramp lights the Blast Targets for a short time, and hitting them awards 3x the Blast Value.
You can also score a Super Blast by shooting either the Left Loop ("Fire in the hole!") or Bridge Out on the Right Ramp, and then the Blast/Wheel Hole. This awards 5M the first time, 10M the second, and 15M afterwards. It also collects anything else that is lit at the Blast Hole.
If Big Blast is lit, hitting the Blast Targets awards 5x the Blast Value. The flasher light in front of the Blast Targets will flash when Big Blast is lit. Note that you are always awarded one BLAST, regardless of the multiplier applied to the Blast Value.
Blasts also work as a counter award, like Robots and Hitchhikers in TZ: Flying Rocks is lit at 3, EB is lit at between 5 and 14 (reflexes), Special is lit between 17 and 34 (reflexes), Flying Rocks at 40, EB lit at 50, Flying Rocks again at 60 and 80. Are there more after 80?
<6> Flying Rocks
Flying Rocks is akin to the Steps in FunHouse. First light the Left Ramp by getting a Wheel award or enough Blasts (Flying Rocks can NOT be stacked at the Ramp). Hitting the Ramp sends the ball down to the left-hand plunger (using some cleverly-placed diverters). A habitrail leads away from the plunger, and it has three exits. Each exit has an award:
If you send the ball past the top exit, it will hit Ted in the head! This makes Ted very sore and awards 25M. The ball will roll back to the top hole and exit that way.
Hitting one of the lower three shots when lit unlights it. The Lite 5x Blast hole is lit for you at the start of the game, and another is lit the first time you get the ball to the Rocks Plunger. Hitting the Center Loop at any time also lights the next unlit Flying Rocks shot. In any event, the shots are always lit in order from bottom to top, and you can collect only one EB from the Rocks per game.
Note 1: If a ball goes airborne and lands at the Rocks Plunger, you will be able to collect the Rocks awards, just as if you had gotten the ball there legitimately.
Note 2: hitting one of the three lower Rocks shots awards 10M if it was lit, and 5M if not.
<7> The Wheel
The Wheel is a group of twelve various awards. Light the Wheel by advancing your bonus multiplier. Collect a Wheel award by shooting the Lock or the Blast/Wheel Hole. You can relight the Wheel and collect Wheel awards at any time during the game. When the Wheel is lit, all twelve lights will flash together, and a tick-tock sound effect will play. Wheels cannot be stacked; once you collect one award you must relight the Wheel.
Each bumper hit moves the flashing Wheel award counterclockwise. If the Wheel is lit, each spin of the Spinner also moves the flashing award counterclockwise. Nothing happens when you collect all twelve awards; the Wheel just quietly resets.
Here are the awards:
You're There
Immediately lights Start City Scene and awards 5M * (number of modes
you've played + 1). If you're currently in a mode, or if Start City Scene is
already lit, Start City Scene will be lit immediately at the end of the current
or next mode respectively. If you collect this award by shooting the
Blast/Wheel Hole, and if there was not a mode running, the next mode will begin
before the ball is kicked back into play. (see Bugs)
Flying Rocks
Lights the Left Ramp for Flying Rocks.
Light Big Blast
Lights the Blast Targets for Big Blast. This does not seem to time out,
but it will turn off if you drain without collecting it.
Light Special
Does just what it says. Red: "Now isn't that special." The Left Outlane
is lit for Special at first, and the Special switches outlanes with each
slingshot hit.
Million Plus
Lights the Right Ramp for Million Plus, worth 6M the first time, and 1M
more each successive shot, to a max of 12M, for the rest of the ball. Ted:
"You look like a million plus."
Jets at Max
Each Jet Bumper hit is worth 1M for the rest of the ball. This award also
starts a neat light show in the lights that make up the border on the US map.
Bad Weather
A 25M Hurry-up is lit at the Lock. It times out 5M. Red: "I HATE rain!"
Collecting the points gives the quotes: Ted: "Look, a rainbow!" Red: "Wow!"
If you collect this award from the Blast Hole when Start City Scene is lit, the
mode will not start. Also, you cannot start a mode while Bad Weather is
Spinner at Max
Sets the Spinner value to 1M per spin. See Spinner Scoring in section 4
for more info.
Hold Bonus
Also holds your multiplier. (see Bugs)
Lite EB
Does just what it says. Red: "Get that extra ball!"
Bob's Freebie
Awards a free Souvenir.
Lunch Time
Shows a pretty hot dog on the DMD and awards 15M. (Mmmm...fifteen million.
Oops, sorry, wrong cartoon character.)
<8> Souvenirs
Souvenirs are neat little toys that you can pick up during the game. You get one for free every time you collect a Skill Shot or Bob's Freebie Wheel award. You can also buy souvenirs (using points as your currency) from Bob's Souvenir Bunker, which is located at the Lock.
Bob's Bunker is lit by rolling through the Center Lane or the Outside Right Inlane. But in order to get the chance to buy something at Bob's, you must hit the Lock when nothing else is lit there, and when no mode is running.
When you hit the Skill Shot, you are awarded a random Souvenir (but this is adjustable - see section 17).
When you visit Bob's or collect a Bob's Freebie award, you see a cute picture of the facade of the Bunker, which has a changing sign in the window. The first time you visit Bob's, you also see the bulldozer pull up to the door and park (complete with hissing air brakes!).
The sign can be one of the following:
Then, a souvenir is picked at random, with an animation reminiscent of CFTBL's Snack Bar. You are then shown the price of the Souvenir. Press the left flipper to decline it, or the right flipper to buy it. There are also some joke souvenirs: New Car, Pretty Rocks, Ashtray, Breath Spray, Uranium, Ammunition, Toothpicks, Lawn Darts, Poker Chips, Paperweight, Wooden Indian, Antacid, Towelettes (for when you get that not-so-fresh feeling).
What are Souvenirs good for? Well, you can sell them back at Albuquerque (usually for more than what you paid), and you can get extra points at Fun With Bonus. If you have a souvenir AND have visited the associated city, you get 10M per souvenir. So, if you have played the Miami mode and have 2 suntan lotions, you get 20M.
Random quotes for buying a souvenir:
Here are the souvenirs:
Souvenir | Cost | City |
Air Freshener | 20M | New York |
Baggy Shorts | 20M | Seattle |
Baseball Cap | 5M | Atlanta |
Belt Buckle | 3M | Nashville |
Box Kite | 8M | Kansas City |
Bull Whip | 7M | |
Coffee Mug | 750K | Ohio |
Cowboy Hat | 6M | Dallas |
Deck of Cards | 10M | Las Vegas |
Fireworks | 7M | New Orleans |
Fool's Gold | 20M | Denver (40M in LA-3 and earlier) |
Key Chain | 5M | |
Pennant | 1M | Chicago |
Picture Plate | 5M | |
Root Beer Mug | 2M | |
Rubber Nose | 50M | |
Rubber Spear | 2M | Minneapolis |
Salt Shakers | 750K | Salt Lake City |
Sandals | 12M | San Francisco |
Shot Glass | ? | |
Sunglasses | 8M | Los Angeles |
Suntan Lotion | 20M | Miami |
T-Shirt | 4M | Albuquerque |
Treasure Map | 10M | Butte |
Wax Lips | 15M |
There are also three special Pinball souvenirs. They cannot be sold back at Albuquerque, but you get something right away when you buy them.
Lead Pinball | 75M | lights EB |
Zinc Pinball | 100M | awards an EB |
Gold Pinball | 250M | awards an EB and lights Special |
There have been rumors of a Platinum Pinball and a Uranium Pinball.
If the sign in the window reads "Uranium Ore $3 a Chunk" quickly hit both flippers. (Here is another easter egg related to the number 3.) This starts Construction Mania, a 20-second mode with all targets worth 3M. If you start Construction Mania, you will not get a souvenir for that trip to Bob's.
You will never be offered a souvenir that costs more than you can afford. If buying a souvenir drops your score under the replay score, you will not be awarded another replay if you pass the replay score again.
<9> Multiball
First, advance through the days by hitting the Bulldozer blade. Each hit advances you one day. Red also announces the days as you go, and your progress is indicated on the playfield lights below the Wheel. When you reach Friday, Lock is lit at the Bunker, and both characters say something about payday, Ted: "Where's my paycheck?", Red: "Pipe down!" You cannot advance days or lock balls while a City Scene mode is in progress. If you take a while in locking ball 1, Red will say: "Put a cork in it!" (referring to Ted's babbling about his paycheck).
Locking one ball awards 10K for each mile you've traveled on that ball (if you have NO miles, you get a consolation prize of 10K), and Ted says "Hey-hey, payday! Party time! Put on your dancin' shoes baby."
Lock 2 is then immediately lit. Locking ball 2 awards another bonus for miles, and you hear more chatter:
After Ted swallows that ball you just shot in, all three balls are kicked out of the Lock. That's a bit inconvenient since the first jackpot is at Ted's mouth. The jackpot starts at 40M and goes up by 5M each time you hit the Bulldozer Blade, to a max of 75M.
The first jackpot is at Ted's mouth, and the second is at Red's mouth. The jackpots keep alternating between the two. Whenever Ted is the next jackpot, the Blade rises and lowers, making it a difficult shot. When Red is the next jackpot, the Blade stays down. As soon as you collect one jackpot, the other is lit immediately.
When you score a jackpot, the DMD spells out the word JACKPOT once for each jackpot you've gotten (to a max of three times). Kinda dull, really. Scoring your first jackpot also starts some real country music going; Carlene sings about some hopelessly codependent relationship ("I oughta keep you locked up at home.")
If you drain two balls without getting a jackpot, multiball restart is lit at the Lock for 12 seconds. Shooting the Lock restarts Multiball with two balls (see bugs).
At the end of Multiball, you may hear Ted say, "Oh, my achin' head!" or "I feel like I've been rode hard and put away wet." If you get no jackpots, restart, and still get no jackpots, Red will console you by saying "You missed EVERYTHING!"
Between locks 1 and 2, you might hear
On the second and later Multiballs, Ted will say "Put a fork in me, baby, I'm done" after lock 2.
After you light lock 1, but before you lock the first ball, hitting the Bulldozer awards Overtime, which is worth 1.1M the first time, 1.2M the second, and so on to a max of 3M (and plays a neat "whoosh" sound effect).
On the second multiball, you need to advance through the days again after locking the first ball, and the max value of the jackpot is 100M. On the third multiball you need 2 bulldozer hits to advance a day, and the max jackpot is 125M. Later multiballs need one more bulldozer hit to advance a day, and the max jackpot goes up by 25M for each multiball. The highest we've seen is 4 hits to advance a day!
On LA-4 and earlier ROMs, the jackpot value carries over between multiballs. On LA-5, the value can go down by 15M or so between multiballs.
Note: The status report includes a screen that says "x balls locked." This tells you how many balls are physically in the Lock, which isn't necessarily the same as how many balls you have locked.
<10> City Scenes (modes)
Each of the cities on the US map corresponds to a mode. That's right, eighteen of 'em! The cities are roughly in a grid, 6 columns by 3 rows. The top row of lights is white, the middle row is yellow, and the bottom row is orange. It's not a perfect grid, though; in fact, from going from right to left, the colors always rotate in the same order: white, orange, yellow.
To begin a mode, shoot either the Start City Scene scoop or the Blast Hole when the Start City Scene globe light is flashing. You cannot start modes during multiball, or when you have locked two balls and Ted is asleep. You also cannot have more than one mode running at a time (but see bugs).
The currently flashing mode is always one of the next two cities on the map (going from right to left), so your first mode is either New York (white) or Miami (orange) -- the rightmost 2 cities on the map. This means that you can never play two modes of the same color in a row. The exception to this rule is the West Coast cities - you can reach any of the three cities on the coast.
The currently flashing mode changes when you hit a bumper or standup of the same color as a city that you can reach at that time. So for example, at the beginning of the game, New York is the flashing mode, but hitting an orange bumper or standup changes the mode to Miami; and hitting a while bumper or standup changes it back to New York.
The order of the cities from east to west is:
After completing a mode, you need to travel 400 miles to re-light the Start City Scene scoop. (If you're playing on a non-US machine, that will be 400 kilometers.) The various targets on the board award miles:
Left Loop | 150 miles |
Left Ramp | 100 |
Right Ramp | 100 |
Right Loop | 75 |
Blast Hole | 75 |
Start City Scene Scoop | 75 |
Lock | 50 |
Inlanes | 25 |
Spinner | 5 per spin |
Bumpers | 5(?) |
Bulldozer Blade | ? |
Standups | ? |
The exact number of miles between cities is adjustable -- see section 17 for more details.
Once you complete a West Coast mode, you start over at New York. The cities you've visited remain lit (so you can still collect bonuses from souvenirs) but you can re-play modes on your way back to the West Coast. (Note: on L-2 and earlier ROMs, the cities turn off after the West Coast mode ends.)
A note about the Right Ramp: If both the Right Ramp and the Left Loop are lit at the same time, hitting the Ramp while Bridge Out is lit there will collect BOTH the Ramp and the Loop awards (since the ball gets diverted to the Loop). This is also a good combo for non-mode play, as it racks up 275 miles.
New York City (Smash a Cab)
This is a timed mode (20 seconds?). The bulldozer is stuck in a traffic jam behind a bunch of taxi cabs. Hit the bulldozer to mercilessly crush a cab. The first hit is worth 3M, the second is worth 4M, etc., to a max of 8M. You also get 5M for starting the mode. There is no grace period after the timer runs out.
Hitting the Magic Standup awards one taxi crush award (once only).
Starting quotes:
Smashing a cab gives you one of the quotes from the cabbie:
At the end of the mode, the cabbie says
Miami (Spring Break)
This is a 20-second timed mode. All targets are worth 1M. Hitting any
bumper or standup adds 100K to the target value, to a max of 3M. Obviously,
the Spinner or the Bumpers are the best places to shoot. Each time you
increase the target value, the DMD shows a neat close-up picture of a guy
banging on the screen, or a girl blowing you a kiss. :* Very reminiscent of
TZ's Town Square Madness displays.
Hitting the Magic Standup raises the target value by 300K the first time you hit it. After that, it behaves like the other standups.
Starting quotes:
Atlanta (Worker Trapped)
This is a hurry-up mode. The hurry-up value begins at 35M and counts down
to 5M. Hit the Blast Targets or the Blast/Wheel Hole to collect the points.
If you shoot Left Loop -> Blast Targets, the hurry-up award is doubled. And if
you shoot Right Ramp Bridge Out -> Blast Targets, it's tripled. (see Bugs) If
Big Blast is lit, hitting the Blast Targets awards 5x the hurry-up value!
The Magic Standup adds 16M to the hurry-up value (once only). Hitting the Lock pauses the countdown for a few seconds.
Start quotes:
After collecting the points:
If the hurry-up times-out, you'll hear:
Ohio (Trapped in Ohio)
Our heros are being pursued by the cops! Shoot either ramp to ditch one
police car (worth 10M), and then hit the other ramp to get away from the other
cop (25M). You also get 5M for starting the mode. Hitting a ramp shows a
police car smacking head-on into a truck!
Hitting the Magic Standup spots one of the Ramps (once only).
Starting quotes:
During the mode, you'll hear more High Speed quotes.
After hitting the first ramp:
And after hitting the other ramp:
New Orleans (Mardi Gras)
Ted and Red have 20 seconds to clear as many people from the street as
they can. Hit any Ramp or Loop to knock a person out of the way. The
party-goers on the screen are the frozen people from Minneapolis, babes in
bikinis from Miami, the Indian from Albuquerque, and the aliens from Seattle.
You get 5M for starting the mode, and shots are worth 5M, then 8M, then 12M,
and 20M afterwards.
Hitting the Magic Standup awards the next two shot values (once only).
Start quotes:
During the mode:
Nashville (Change the Station)
This is a two-ball multiball. A second ball is served to the plunger
(since there is always at least one ball in the trough), and the mode lasts
until you drain one ball.
Red and Ted scream in agony as the radio blabs on. 7M starting bonus, and hitting any target in the 3-bank of Radio targets awards 10M the first time, 11M the second, etc., to a max of 15M. The station keeps changing, but talk radio always winds up coming back on.
Hitting the Magic Standup awards a radio hit (once only).
Starting quotes:
During the mode:
Chicago (Evil Toll Roads)
You have 15 seconds to blow up four toll booths. Each Loop and Ramp
corresponds to a booth. The first one is worth 7M, the next 10M, the third
15M, and the fourth 20M.
Hitting the Magic Standup blows up one of the booths (once only).
Starting quotes:
Dallas (Monster Cab)
The cabbie is back with a big-toothed monster-truck cab. Shoot a Ramp or
Loop to lob a stick of dynamite at the cab. (You can hit a shot more than
once.) It takes four shots to destroy the cab. The shots score 13M, 16M, 19M,
and 22M.
Hitting the Magic Standup awards the next two shot values (once only).
Starting quotes:
Ending quote:
Kansas City (Tornado)
This is another two-ball multiball mode.
Starting quote:
You get 8M for starting the mode. A 25M hurry-up begins, and it counts down to a minimum of 5M. Shoot the Lock to take shelter and collect the hurry-up value (see Bugs), and reset it to 25M. Any balls shot into the lock are kicked out after the award animation finishes.
Hitting any of the Radio targets in the 3-bank resets the hurry-up to 25M.
Hitting the Magic Standup awards the current hurry-up value (which will usually be 25M, since the Magic Standup has to be hit by a ball coming out of the Lock) (once only).
Minneapolis (Frozen People)
Our heroes have a sudden benevolent streak, and they decide to thaw a few
frozen people. There are six frozen people - hit any standup EXCEPT a Blast
Target to unfreeze a person and collect 10M. You get 10M for starting the
mode, and a 25M bonus for unfreezing all 6 people.
Hitting any Blast Target ends the mode and fries the remaining people.
Hitting the Magic Standup the first time thaws two people. On later hits it behaves like a regular standup.
Starting quote:
Blowing them up gives:
Albuquerque (Trading Post)
Starting quotes:
This city isn't a mode - it's a trading post where you can sell back all the souvenirs you have at the time (except Pinballs). The Indian will buy them from you at anywhere from 1x to 7x the value of the souvenirs (the multiplier will equal your current bonus multiplier, with 7x being chosen if you have lit EB from bonus multipliers on the current ball). He'll also throw in 15M for reaching the city.
If you have no souvenirs when you reach this city, after the opening animation, the screen will dissolve into the text: "You have no souvenirs to sell". You still get the 15M mode bonus when this happens.
On P-x ROMs, the multiplier will be between 1.5x and 3.5x, chosen randomly.
If you start this mode by hitting the Start City Scene scoop, you are awarded 75 miles towards the next city before the ball is kicked back into play.
Denver (Gold Rush)
This mode is kinda dull. Just keep shooting the Left Ramp. The Ramp
scores 5M the first time, 10M the second, 15M the third, and 20M afterwards.
The ball is always fed to the Inside Right Inlane, so if you hit a few shots
in a row you'll boost your bonus multiplier as well.
Hitting the Magic Standup awards the next two shot values (once only).
Start quote:
Butte (Tunnel Hunt)
Shoot the underground shots (Lock, Start City Scene scoop, Blast Hole).
The first one is worth 10M, the next 12M, and the last 20M. You can get only
one award from each shot.
This mode is easy if you can catch balls coming out of the Start City Scene scoop. Catch the ball at the start of the mode and shoot it back into the Scoop. Then catch again and shoot the Lock. Then let the ball hit the Magic Standup to collect the third award.
The Magic Standup spots one of the Underground shots (if you haven't hit the Blast Hole yet, that shot is always spotted first).
None of the shots has a light to indicate whether it's been hit; you have to check the DMD. There are three mounds of dirt. The left mound corresponds to the Lock, the center mound to the Start City Scene scoop, and the right mound to the Blast Hole. When you shoot one of the shots, the bulldozer carries off the corresponding mound of dirt.
Starting quotes:
Hitting one of the tunnels gives:
Las Vegas (Slot Machine)
This is a 15 second mode. The Wheel will be constantly spinning. Every
shot to the Lock awards the currently lit award. You can receive any award,
even ones that you're already collected on the current Wheel during normal
Las Vegas is a great mode to rack up EBs, since if you have the ball trapped on the right flipper (and you know just when to shoot), you can pretty much pick the award you get from the Wheel. On the machine that Mike plays, shooting the ball when the spinning light is on "Lite Special" almost always results in an EB award. And the light is on EB again when the ball hits the Magic Standup.
It is possible that Bad Weather is disabled during Las Vegas (rumor alert!).
Hitting the Magic Standup awards the currently lit award (once only).
Starting quotes:
During the mode, you may hear:
Salt Lake City (Old West)
The taxi cab is back again! The cabbie and the bulldozer are in a
showdown. Hit the Bulldozer Blade and the bulldozer will crush the cab when
they meet, and you'll get 60M. If you don't hit the Blade within about 5
seconds, you'll lose the showdown and get only 25M.
Hitting the Magic Standup awards 60M.
Start quotes:
If you win:
Seattle (Alien Invasion)
This is the first of the West Coast modes. The aliens from TZ have
landed! Repel the aliens by hitting the Ramps.
The mode lasts 20 seconds. Each target is worth 1.5M(!). Hitting a Ramp awards 14M and raises the target value by 500K, to a max of 5M.
Starting quotes:
San Francisco (Monster Attack)
Godzilla is attacking the city in this mode. Hit him with the bulldozer
by hitting the Bulldozer Blade. All targets start at 1.5M. The Blade awards
10M and increases the target value by 500K, to a max of 5M.
Start quote:
Los Angeles (Earthshaker)
The shaker motor really gets a workout in this mode. Ted and Red have
stumbled upon some new roads. Smash the road by hitting the Blast Targets.
All targets start at 1.5M. Hitting the Blast Targets awards 10M and raises the
frenzy value by 500K, to a max of 5M.
Starting quotes:
Hitting the Blast Targets gives:
To complete the entire map, you must travel to the West Coast at least three times. Nothing much happens when you start your last unlit city; the mode runs like normal. When that mode ends, the entire map will be lit (with the next city flashing as usual). When you start that city, instead of the usual opening animation, the DMD says "WOW" in a medium-sized font. When that city finishes, the entire grid will be turned off (except for the just-finished city), and the next city will flash.
<11> Super Payday (Wizard Bonus)
During any West Coast city scene, you can start Super Payday. During the mode, lock one ball in Bob's Bunker, and then lock another ball in either the Bunker, the Start City Scene Scoop, or the Blast/Wheel Hole (this includes hitting the Skill Shot after locking ball 1). In addition to a great animation of the Earth blowing up, look at all the valuable prizes you get for doing this:
On LA-5, the third award in that list is "All targets score <some random value>". That value can be as high as 22M! While it'd be nice to have all targets scoring 22M, we don't really believe it. :)
The Payday Bonus is an enigmatic thing. You can collect it from the Loops as well as the Ramps. When you collect a Payday Bonus, Red announces one of the cities (in order from east to west) that you visited on the way to the West Coast. The city name is also displayed in the DMD. Then, some amount of points is displayed (that's the bonus).
The Payday Bonus is the amount of points that you collected in the announced city. Sometimes, the DMD displays "0,000,000" - this is probably a bug, since it's impossible to get zero points in a mode. Another bug can result in all Payday bonuses being worth anywhere from 1M to 153M(!).
Hitting the Magic Standup during Super Payday makes strange things happen. It awards your next Payday Bonus, but instead of displaying the next city name, the DMD says "Houlton." Red still says the correct name, though. "Houlton" is often displayed the next few times as well.
Houlton may also be the first city displayed. When this happens, Houlton often appears a few more times, and red says "New York City" each time.
When you collect a Payday Bonus, both characters scream. The Blade constantly rises and lowers throughout the mode, although hitting Ted or getting a ball into his mouth doesn't do anything.
Now, if you've been reading carefully, you know that there are four balls in Road Show. You're at the start of Super Payday. You have two balls locked, and one at the plunger. Why is the fourth ball going to waste? Well, in fact it doesn't - it just takes a bit of effort to get it into play. Here are the possible situations at the start of Super Payday, and the number of balls you get:
Remember, you must use that extra ball only for good, and never for evil.
If the West Coast mode's timer is under 10 seconds when you lock the first ball, it is reset to 10 when the second ball is served to the plunger.
If you lock one ball during the West Coast mode, but the timer runs out before you lock the other ball, the first ball is kicked out, and the West Coast mode continues until you drain one ball (maybe -- the locked ball is not always kicked out).
If you lock one ball, then drain the other ball, the first ball is kicked out and the mode ends.
Once, Mike locked one ball, drained the other, and the ball ended! But he hasn't been able to reproduce this.
After Super Payday ends, the jets will still be worth 1M, the Special will be lit if you didn't collect it during SPD, and the Wheel will be lit.
<12> The Magic Standup (tm)
The Magic Standup is the backwards-facing target below the tip of the Upper Left Flipper. The easiest way to hit it is not to flip at balls coming out of the Lock. The ball should roll right into the target. In fact, in order to benefit from the powers of the Magic Standup, that's exactly how you have to hit it.
This standup does lots of good things:
Note that, during modes, the Magic Standup only gives its special award once. After that, it behaves like the other standups.
<13> Combos
Combos are unfortunately few in number.
Banking a ball off the three-bank of Radio Targets and into the Blade scores 5M.
Shooting Left Loop -> Blast Targets awards 2x the Blast Value.
Shooting Right Ramp (with Bridge Out lit) -> Blast Targets awards 3x the Blast Value.
During the Atlanta mode, shooting Left Loop -> Blast Targets awards 2x the hurry up value (see bugs).
During Atlanta, shooting Right Ramp (with Bridge Out lit) -> Blast Targets awards 3x the hurry up value.
One sequence that is particularly valuable is Left Ramp -> Left Ramp (Bridge Out) -> Right Ramp (Bridge Out) -> Blast Hole. This awards: two bonus multipliers, a Super Blast, a Wheel award, and starts the next mode. Not to mention that it feels great and impresses any onlookers.
<14> Easter Eggs
There are two DOHOs. One is in the backglass artwork (look at the barbed wire on the far right side of the picture). The other is in the background of the New York mode display. One of the buildings has the letters in its windows, like this:
D | O |
H | O |
There are also two cows. The Picture Plate souvenir has a picture of a cow on it. The other cow is on the backglass, on the far right, standing at the top of the hill.
In the tradition of Pat Lawlor pinballs, someone is drawn on the backglass holding a red thumb-trigger button in their left hand. This time, it's Pat himself, sitting in a Corvette (with the license plate GAME BIZ) on the Road behind the bulldozer. He honestly looks happy at all the mayhem surrounding him.
Construction Mania - see the Souvenirs section.
The "Secret video mode" display sometimes seen in the window of Bob's shop. It's probably just a joke, but ya never know.
During the attract mode, sometimes the high scores will all have the initials "RED".
<15> Bugs
In Atlanta, if you collect a doubled or tripled hurry-up award, the light in front of the Blast Targets will continue to flash until you collect another blast or the ball ends. (This is present in LA-3, 4, and 5.)
[This is Mike's bug] I had Big Blast lit during Atlanta. I shot Left Loop -> Blast Hole. Things got really confused, as I was awarded 5x the Blast Value, 1x the hurry up value, and Red said "You missed everything!"
During New Orleans, after you collect a 20M award, the "next shot =" display will say "52M". This is just a display bug.
The whole "Houlton" deal. This was present in the prototype ROMs, it didn't seem to be in LA-3, but in LA-4 it's BACK!
If you light Bridge Out on either Ramp, then hit the Ramp right after Bridge Out times out, the ball will still be diverted.
Sometimes, Red will say "Spin the Wheel!", and the DMD will display "Wheel is lit" when your multiplier was at max (which means that the Wheel was NOT relit). This has been fixed in LA-5.
Sometimes after collecting a Wheel award, the Wheel lights will not be updated, so the award you just collected will remain flashing. The Wheel IS updated internally, but this bug can be annoying. This bug is in LA-4, but was not in LA-3.
If you have Flying Rocks lit at the Left Ramp, and you start any Multiball mode, the top-left diverter on the Left Ramp will always activate during the Multiball. (The lower two diverters won't activate, though.) (This is present on LA-4 and 5.)
If you collect Hold Bonus on a ball during which you also light EB from the multipliers, on the next ball your multiplier will be displayed as "XX". This would be a clever way to show a 10x multiplier, but that isn't the case - it's still just 6x. (This is present in LA-3, 4, and 5.)
[This is Scott's bug] If you collect a You're There award during a West Coast mode between locks, and then start Super Payday, the New York mode will run simultaneously with Super Payday. Also, when you collect a Payday Bonus, the announced city will always be New York.
In Kansas City, when you collect a hurry-up award, you cannot collect another until the animation for the award finishes.
[This is Mike's bug] If you have EB and/or the Wheel lit, and Restart Multiball lit at the Lock, the restart timer continues to run during the EB and Wheel animations. If the timer runs out during the animation, another ball will be served to the plunger, but Multiball will NOT restart.
In San Francisco, if you lock one ball, but the timer runs out before you lock the second ball, the San Francisco mode continues until you drain that ball. You cannot start Super Payday with that ball, however. (This seems to happen sometimes in the other West Coast modes, too.)
[This is Mike's bug] If you collect 2 Bob's Freebie awards at the same time (or about the same time), the second souvenir-selection animation will override the first, but only the first souvenir will be displayed. (This is just a display bug as far as I can tell.)
[This is Scott's bug] If you collect Bob's Freebie and start Construction Mania during a mode which ends after you hit certain shots (such as Ohio), Construction Mania will end when the mode ends, regardless of the time left on the Construction Mania timer.
[This is Scott's bug] Starting Construction Mania or Bad Weather during a mode which is a hit-all-you-can mode (like New York or New Orleans) will freeze the mode timer until Construction Mania or Bad Weather ends.
When you hit a Skill Shot at the start of a ball, the ball saver timer freezes, but the timer on the light continues to run. That means that the saver will be active when the ball is kicked out even thought the light will have turned off.
<16> Miscellaneous Stuff
Extra balls and Specials remain lit across balls until they are collected. Extra balls may be stacked, but Specials cannot. If a Special is already lit, and you collect another Light Special award, the second award is lost. One outlane is lit for Special at a time, and it alternates Outlanes with each Slingshot hit.
The three flippers on the left side are independently controllable to some extent. Pushing the left flipper button partway in activates the Lower Left Flipper, and pushing it in fully activates the other two flippers at the same time.
Getting a ball into Red's mouth awards 20M, and a quote:
You can buy-in until you reach the West Coast, for 1/2 credit each time. You don't get anything special for buying in.
There are two high score lists. One is the all-time high scores, which includes the Grand Champion and the #1 through #4 scores. There is also a daily high score board, which holds the four highest scores of the day. This list resets every day at midnight. No credits are awarded for making the daily high score board.
The match sequence is pretty dull. It's similar to TNG's, except without the stars and Trek music. The Match is disabled by default.
Miscellaneous quotes:
Hitting the shooter bypass - Red: "Big points!" or "Nice shot!"
Having over 100M at Fun With Bonus - Red: "Big Points!"
Tilting - Red: "Oh no..." Ted: "Now THAT'S pinball."
When you buy in - Ted: "There goes Friday's paycheck."
At the start of the game - Red: "Let's rip some road!", or Red: "Time to go to work! Let's fire that thing up!", then Ted: "*yawn* huh?"
At the end of the game - Red: "Don't be a stranger."
<17> Operator Adjustments
Here is the list of adjustments. This info is all straight out of the Road Show manual. That means that it's copyrighted by Williams and you'll likely get in trouble if you try to sell it. Of course, it's OK for us to use it, as we're using it solely for reference. O:)
After the adjustments is a lst of default settings for 3 ball and 5 ball games.
Feature Adjustments
The following game features are adjustable by an operator. A feature with
memory will remain lit from ball to ball. Factory Setting refers to medium
difficulty level.
Difficulty Settings
Adj # | Description | Extra Easy | Easy | Medium (Default> | Hard | Extra Hard |
02 | Special % | 10% | 9% | 8% | 7% | 6% |
03 | Extra Ball % | 30% | 23% | 20% | 15% | 10% |
04 | Ex Ball memory | On | On | On | On | Off |
08 | Start Day | Friday | Thursday | Monday | Monday | Monday |
09 | Weeks lock 2 | 0 Weeks | 0 Weeks | 0 Weeks | 1 Week | 1 Week |
10 | Cnt b/w Wheels | 0 B/Os | 0 B/Os | 0 B/Os | 0 B/Os | 1 B/O |
15 | Miles b/w city | 200 M | 300 M | 400 M | 500 M | 600 M |
16 | Longer Path | Off | Off | On | On | On |
17 | Ball Save time | On | On | Off | Off | Off |
19 | Default EB Bst | 5 Blasts | 6 Blasts | 7 Blasts | 8 Blasts | 9 Blasts |
Five ball vs Three ball settings
A.1 is Standard Adjustments.
A.2 is Feature Adjustments.
Adj Number | Description | Install five ball | Install three ball |
A.1 01 | Balls per game | 5 | 3 |
A.1 07 | Replay Start | 700 Million | 500 Million |
A.2 02 | Special % | 7% | 8% |
A.2 03 | Extra Ball % | 15% | 20% |
A.2 04 | Ex Ball memory | On | On |
A.2 08 | Start Day | Monday | Monday |
A.2 09 | Weeks lock 2 | 1 Week | 0 Weeks |
A.2 10 | Cnt b/w Wheels | 0 Brdg Outs | 1 Brdg Out |
A.2 15 | Miles b/w city | 500 Miles | 400 Miles |
A.2 16 | Longer Path | On | On |
A.2 17 | Ball Save time | Off | Off |
A.2 19 | Default EB Bst | 8 Blasts | 7 Blasts |
<18> Strategies
How to save a ball trapped under the Middle Left Flipper
No matter how hard you try to avoid it, it's going to happen eventually.
A ball is going to get stuck under that tiny flipper. So, now you're in a
You have two choices. If your machine's tilt is lenient, raise the flipper and give the machine a nudge forward (a little stronger than your normal up-push). The ball will roll up and be in range of the flipper. Bat it away and continue playing.
The other method is a bit more tricky. Again, raise the flipper. Just as the ball turns right and heads for the Outlane, slap the right side of the cabinet. If you do it right, the ball will hit the top of the Inlane/Outlane divider, bounce off the movable post to the left of the Outlane, and bounce back to the Inlane.
Extra balls
EBs are not that hard to come by. If you're close to getting an EB from
Blasts, keep shooting Left Loop -> Blast Hole or Targets to rack up Blasts. If
Lite EB is the flashing Wheel award, go for Right Ramp (Bridge Out) -> Blast
Hole or Left Loop -> Blast Hole.
Big points
The Ramps are the best place to shoot. By themselves, they don't award
much, but they light many other shots which DO give good awards. On their own,
the Ramps score miles which lead to modes, and collect awards in some modes.
Collecting the Bridge Out awards increases your Bonus Multiplier towards an extra ball, and lights the Wheel (usually) which leads to more awards. And if you don't have a Bridge Out lit, just shoot a Ramp to light one!
Bonus multipliers become even more important near the end of a big game. You'll have lots of cities, lots of miles, and lots of Blasts. Building up your multiplier each ball should be a high priority. Mike once collected a 799M Fun With Bonus with a 6x multiplier!
After you have many cities lit, go for souvenirs as often as possible. This means let balls drain if the ball saver is on, to have another chance at the Skill Shot and another souvenir. Combine all those souvenirs with 6x multipliers for mega-bonuses. (Remember, the 10M bonus per souvenir per city at Fun With Bonus is multiplied by your bonus multiplier.)
Editor's Notes