I am the author of this rulesheet, but all copyrights pertaining to the game itself belong to Fisher-Price, a division of Hasbro.
Version 1.1 6/9/97 - Reveals strategy for completing Red Monkey & Blue Hippo Targets. Corrects some typos. Adds archive URL.
Version 1.0 3/6/96 - First attempt
Pop 'n Pinball is the answer to a question that has raged here on r.g.p. for some time now. What about the newbie? By firmly targeting this game at the 3-7 year old set, Fisher-Price has taken a bold step towards introducing younger players to pinball.
The game cabinet is noticeably smaller than standard machines. In fact, the machine has no legs. In fact, it's 10 inches long by 8 1/2 inches wide by 2 inches thick. Consider it laptop pinball.
The flipper buttons ore oversized, about the size of a golfball cut in half. Additionally, they are positioned on the top of the machine, where one would normally find a lockdown bar. I believe the idea for Demolition Man's handles may have started here.
A great advance has been made in power supply engineering. This may actually be the only machine you can play in a blackout, as it derives all its juice from 2 C cell batteries.
Starting at the right outlane, and working clockwise: Total playfield size 5 1/2" long by 6 1/2" wide.
Press red Start button, located next to left flipper button. This activates the Twirling Parrot, Toucan, and the Monkey Spinner. You now have 90 seconds in which to hit all three Animal Popper Stand-ups. If you do, you will hear an electronic victory theme, and the game ends. If you fail to complete the stand-ups in the allotted time, the game ends.
To reset game, depress the Animal Poppers, and push Start.
Due to the unique flipper structure, holding one flipper up and then shooting the ball with the other flipper is a guaranteed way to score a perfect hit on the Yellow Lion stand up, providing you achieve the proper timing on the Monkey Spinner. Of course, the electronic noise generated by holding the flipper may drive you crazy, but that's pinball.
<NEW>Holding the right flipper up *slightly* and depressing the left flipper sharply is the fastest way to hit the Blue Hippo. Conversely, holding the left flipper *slightly* and depressing the right flipper sharply is the best technique for the Red Monkey. Of course, as with the Yellow Lion, you must time the Monkey Spinner properly.
Despite the COMPLETE lack of a tilt mechanism, it is not considered good form to pick the machine up and then roll the ball into the stand ups.
I'm sure a child would adore finding this in an Easter basket, next to all the eggs & candy.
In a dramatic departure from tradition, there is NO scoring. You either complete the game, or you do not. This could be a trend.
Parenthood will drive you to do some pretty strange things, including writing a rulesheet for a Fisher Price Toy Pinball machine.
Scott Piehler (RSP)- Atlanta, GA
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